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4D ‎Academy 2.0

$2500+ in Value

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  • Exclusive Community & Daily Coaching Calls (Worth $500)
  • 90 Day 4D Copywriting Academy Course (Worth $400)
  • Copy Client Accelerator 1.0, 2.0, 3.0. (Worth $750)
  • Email Money Masterclass Course (Worth $300)
  • Pipeline To Profit Course (Worth $300)
  • AI Accelerator Course (Worth $250)

Along with much more.
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----------- What 4D Academy Students Are Saying ------------

Worth every penny and more, it made me realize how base-level my knowledge of copywriting was before. I've gotten a whole A4 notepad full of notes that tells me EXACTLY how to write for X person, in Y scenario, with Z goal. Honestly it's a game changer, and the way Tyson, Costin, J, and others breakdown the copy is genuine GOLD. My most recent post in the ⁠💰wins was using a structure learned in the 4D Academy, and the prospect loved the email.


8 hours in the academy and I realized everything I learned within 4 months was wrong. My whole life has been a lie until 3 weeks ago when I joined. And even in those 3 weeks, I've got an understanding of copywriting and marketing that I've never deemed possible.


This shit is getting out of hand! So much value in this academy it's crazy. I already see my copy getting SOOO much better. The clarity around writing is real.


The Academy is so insane, it will boost your clients' results 10X
